Monday, August 3, 2009

L.I.B. - Dreams Never End

Hot new offerings from Left Inside Breaks for Spokesman IV!
Click on the image for the download:

Matt just showed me how to hook up this link on the blog: 1 hour into it and I'm still mildly entertained.

I went into this song thinking I would take a different course than the last few covers and maybe change themes...maybe something clean and simple. That turned out to be harder than I thought. So I compromised and used no least at first, and a simple drum machine loop (more bossa nova than pop unfortunately).

The concept was to make the vocals stand out but keep lyrics somewhat unrecognizable. And I've been wanting to try to hook the mic up to a delay guitar pedal and see if I could sound like Lux Interior from the Cramps. For the guitars, I was heavily influenced by a mix CD that burns gave me and a band called "the grass widow" and their straightforward driving style. The bass was going to carry the melody between verses so I cranked it higher than usual. Turns out I distorted it unintentionally, which was better than what I had planned i think. The squeaky guitar peeps in-between are a half-baked idea that might've improved with a few more tries, but that's all the time I had. All in all it still seems to count as a left inside breaks song.

The image is my pop's el camino. No real backstory there.


Anonymous said...

Love it. Between this and Freedom Club's version, I'm ashamed to even attempt a cover of my own.

Matt said...

3rd attempt at comment:

I love the distorted bass and delayed vocals. Reverb is a must for all songs. every instrument.

I dig it.

In the words of wwillis:

You are a rock star
You are a rock and roll legend
You are a good rock singer
You can really wupp a camel's ass