Thursday, December 31, 2009

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Brand new colony - LIB

Latest Spokesmen cover song challenge. This one's from left inside breaks. Click on link below or lefthand sidebar. Also check out Edmund Bedford's cover (no artwork just yet), it's choice. We'll post more from the rest of the spokey's when they're available.

I've always liked the main part of this Postal Service song and kind of been bored by the end of it. In my first pass I cut the ending, but subsequently brought it back after hearing Donut's version. There seems to be some value in keeping the basic road map of the song. Unless you're sideburns and you do a fabulous job changing up the whole thing. Hopefully if you listen hard enough you'll here some shoegazer, swamp-abilly sampled drums, sinister vocals, and very special fuzz -tremelo-noise pedals from Donut Industrires (see previous pedal review postings).

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Best of 2008! Bill Doug Brian Commentary

Finally the best music of the year....2008 that is. Better late than never!
Just click the play button next to the title.

This an audio recording of Sideburns, Anderssert, and special guest Doug D. as we reflect and bash on the music of 2008. I've had this sitting on mini-disc for a long time and finally downloaded and edited it. My intent is to do this every year, but I utterly failed to get it out in a timely manner this year. Apologies.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Spokesmen Are Streaming!

Check out the new music player on the lefthand sidebar widget thingy! Just click a song and play. I only posted what I had. Please post the rest of your stuff in the dropbox and I'll get it going. I know there's also a way to associate images as well but this is all I could wrap my brain around for the time being. Maybe Donut can take it from here...

Let me know if it works for you!

Also, do we want to post songs from the latest go-around or wait till the official listening party?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Gateway to west sac

Check out the newly refurbished bike path bridge across I-5. Used to be a train bridge I believe.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Rider Profile - Side Burns

The man and the machine. Here's a few shots. I'll let Brian describe his own bike. I was fortunate enough to be there when he first picked up from Mission Bicycle and even got to see the color rendering beforehand.