Sunday, January 24, 2010

Spokesmen live

Props go out to the Spokesmen who came down to support their fellow at a local open mic in Stockton. Thanks for slummin' it! Microphone mishaps aside, I guess it went allright. If I do this again I'll try to get on the list earlier next time so - 10:40 is a little late on a school night.

Other Announcements:
1) Pattern Kids song is up and running and on top of the playlist to the left. Check!
2) New song has been selected for Spokesmen Cover Song Challenge VI: Corporeal by Broadcast! I'm stoked. Unfortunately some Spokeys have been expressing their dissapointment in public with apparent fluency in foul getstures. Let's keep it clean shall we...for the kids?

1 comment:

Andersert said...

Sometimes my hair looks like that after wearing a helmet post-shower. Maybe if I just wear the half shirt I can be emo too.